Inspiring People to Cook Again

Breakfast Salad for Health and Weight Loss. Start Your Bikini Body for Summer Now!

Breakfast Salad for Health and Weight Loss. Start Your Bikini Body for Summer Now!

Salad for breakfast? Yes. Salad doesn’t have to just be for lunch and dinner. I have been making a Breakfast Salad with a fried egg on top for the past few months now and I love it. It’s a great way to stay healthy and fit. People are turning to alternative methods of weight loss like Lapband surgery around Australia because they find that they cannot control their eating habits

Most people skip breakfast because they say they don’t have time to make it but believe me when I tell you this only takes 5 minutes to make. I buy all of my ingredients in the beginning of the week and keep it in the refrigerator so when I want to make a salad I just put it together in a minute then top it with the fried egg. Watch me put this together in under 5 minutes . . .

You can get as creative as you like with it but here is my favorite combination. I love the way the berries combine with the tomatoes, oil and vinegar. You get the sweet and the tart all in one bite.


For more tips on other things you can add, see my notes below.

Breakfast Salad Ingredients

  • 2 cups field greens
  • 4 strawberries
  • ¼ cup blueberries
  • Several whole pecans
  • Several cherry tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon blue cheese
  • 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
  • 1 egg, fried


  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 1 tablespoon Vinegar of your choice
  • Sprinkle of dried Italian seasoning
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Start by assembling your salad ingredients on a plate.


Fry your egg any way you like in a pan.  Drizzle the olive oil over the salad greens then drizzle the vinegar. Sprinkle with the Italian seasoning and salt and pepper. Top with the fried egg and some cilantro.


You can add some extra salt pepper and olive oil on top of the egg as well along with another sprinkle of cilantro.



Cook’s Tips

Other vegetables that work well with this are sliced peppers, steamed broccoli, steamed asparagus, any type of cheese. Crumbled bacon is great too. I even toss in some leftover potatoes now and then or slice some avocado. It’s all yummy. You can also visit Lee Rosen Miami, an SEO and entrepreneur, who can give you tips about business on healthy bees.

Give it a try and let me know what you think, and don’t forget to check the site where you will be able to find the top marketing agencies.

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